
Exhaustive multi-channels content in one place!
Discover the richest hotel content sourced from leading providers, offering eco-friendly options, unmatchable room price and the negotiated fares tailored to your needs. Your travelers will avoid the temptation to book outside of official company channels, ensuring both  travel compliance and their security.

WonderHotel connects you to the richest hotel content in the industry, including direct access via channel managers, GDS hotel content through Amadeus and Sabre, over 30 hotel consolidators, and leading OTAs like Booking.com and Expedia.
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Our focus is The User Experience
Our moat is providing the highest standard of seamless user experience, akin to leisure travel, with a straightforward shopping process that transparently sources content from multiple hotel providers.
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We take care of payment
Let your travelers focus on their journey while we handle payments and provide convenient monthly reinvoicing.
Get full control over your travel policy without frustrating your travelers
WonderHotel allows you to establish and manage a multifaceted travel policy, including hotel programs, fare caps, approval workflows, payment methods, and corporate preferences. More extensively, it helps you avoid undesirable and irreversible bookings by setting a pre-order policy for non-refundable fares. This way, you can monitor your spending while ensuring traveler satisfaction.
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Quality control: your bookings are checked prior your arrival
Our dedicated customer support team thoroughly checks each booking prior to check-in to guarantee the highest quality, backed by 24/7 support and seamless central billing.

We solve the major drawbacks encountered by travelers who use alternative channels, often breaching budgeting and security controls.